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Midweek Meditation (PanchA Kosha)

Meditation helps cultivate inner peace in order for us to navigate the world from a place of calm. Peace within ripples into peace without. Using the five sheaths (Pancha Kosha) method to explore and work through each successively more subtle layer to that state of peace and truth. The five panchas are: 1.Annamya Kosha – The Physical Body Sheath 2. Pranamaya Kosha – The Vital Energy Sheath 3. Manomaya Kosha – The Mind Sheath 4. Vijnanamaya Kosha – The Subconciouss Sheath 5. Anandamaya Kosha – The Bliss Sheath

Zoom session from 7.30-8.30pm

23 August

TUESDAY Meditation

30 August

TUESDAY Meditation